Dental hygiene is essential for healthy physical development in children. Though tooth brushing and regular care may be a challenge for your child to maintain, there are many benefits to taking care of dental hygiene in childhood. 

There are also many consequences for neglecting dental hygiene at young ages, such as childhood tooth decay. Childhood tooth decay is more common than you may think, and it’s your job as a parent to prevent it by creating good dental hygiene habits for your child and taking them to the dentist regularly.

Dental Hygiene Facts For Kids 

You might be wondering, how do I teach my children about dental hygiene? Or, why is dental hygiene important? We dive into all the need to know to help your children create good dental habits and even provide some fun dentist facts for kids. Here are points to follow for proper dental hygiene in children. 

Tooth Brushing Should Start at Tooth Eruption 

You should introduce tooth brushing to your children when they begin to cut teeth. Even with just a few peeking out, dental hygiene becomes important to prevent childhood tooth decay. When you first start teaching your child how to brush teeth, try to make it a fun experience to encourage good dental hygiene habits. 

You should only use a small amount of toothpaste with young children. The rule is usually an amount the size of a pea. You can apply this amount with a soft toothbrush onto the teeth to get them comfortable with the new sensation. 

You should make sure that you use appropriate products promoting oral hygiene for kids to brush your child’s teeth. When you first start tooth brushing, you should not use a regular toothbrush. Instead, use an infant toothbrush. You should also make sure that the toothpaste you select includes fluoride in the ingredient list.

As a parent, you can do the following to make sure you’re teaching good dental health for kids:

  • Bring your child to a dental hygienist when they cut teeth. 
  • Keep up with dental visits. You should be making trips to the dentist at least every six months. Sometimes more, depending on the situation. 
  • Make sure you check that your kids are brushing and flossing every day. 

All Baby Teeth Should Appear by the Age of Two and a Half 

At this point, you should make an appointment with a dental hygienist. You need to get your child’s teeth professionally cleaned and monitored as soon as they erupt. You may think that your child’s baby teeth don’t need the same attention as youth or adult teeth. However, these lifestyle habits can form at a young age. 

Neglecting dental hygiene leaves your child vulnerable to childhood tooth decay and other problems. You can avoid this and help your child create good dental hygiene habits for a lifetime of healthy teeth by making sure they are brushing twice daily and taking them to a dentist.

Brushing Your Teeth Only Cleans About 70% of Your Teeth 

Brushing alone does not completely cover all of your child’s dental hygiene needs. Your children also need to learn how to floss their teeth and do it regularly. Flossing can eliminate food that gets stuck in between teeth and can help cut down plaque build-up too.

It’s also necessary to take your child to the dentist for professional cleanings regularly. Without a dental professional, your child’s teeth will not be optimally healthy. 

The Proportion of Children With Plaque Has Decreased by 10% in Ten Years 

Increased attention by parents and professional dental involvement has helped decrease the number of children with dental plaque by ten percent in ten years. That is a substantial amount. However, children could reap dental hygiene benefits if they are taught good dental health habits and see a dental hygienist for regular appointments.

You can help make your child more comfortable about going to their dental cleaning appointment. Start by informing them of some of the things that may take place during your visit. While this is dependent on age, you can generally expect this: 

  • Teeth cleaning with an electric brush and professional-grade toothpaste
  • Smaller tools are used to scrape off excess plaque in hard-to-reach areas. 
  • Fluoride treatments 

Only Three-Quarters of Children Say They Brush Their Teeth Twice a Day 

Unfortunately, many children are missing the most basic key to good dental health. Parents must encourage their children to brush their teeth in the morning and at night. 

You can help your kids see the importance of brushing twice a day by making teeth brushing a family event. By showing your kids that you care about your dental hygiene, you are setting an example for their dental health habits in the future.

Childhood Tooth Decay Can Be Prevented 

Childhood tooth decay is preventable. The best way to beat childhood tooth decay is to ensure you follow good dental health practices with your child from when tooth eruption occurs. 

  • Make sure you take your child to a dental hygienist when they cut their first teeth. 
  • Introduce toothbrushing to your child as soon as they have teeth. Start with a very small, almost pea-sized amount, and get them comfortable with the sensation. 
  • Make toothbrushing a daily ritual for the entire family to show your kids the importance of tooth brushing. 
  • Share dental health facts for kids with your children to show them that tooth brushing is important, but can also be fun! 

Children Should HaveTheir First Dental Checkup By Their First Birthday 

Even though it may feel very young, it is necessary to start seeing a dental hygienist early in your child’s life. Childhood tooth decay is serious and can occur in children with neglected dental hygiene. 

As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure you take care of your child’s teeth from when they emerge. Keeping up with good toothbrushing habits, flossing, and visiting a dental hygienist for checkups is the best way to ensure your children have bright, healthy smiles throughout their childhood, youth, and adult life.

Dental Hygiene for Kids

By learning a few dental hygiene facts for kids, you can help educate your children on the importance of brushing and maintaining their dental health.

Setting a routine for your children and scheduling regular dentist appointments can ensure that your child’s smile is just as bright as they are!