You might find this hard to believe, but many kids are really excited to get braces. For many, it signals that they are growing up, and braces make them feel older and more mature. For others, they want braces because so many of their friends have them. In fact, some time around the latter part of grade school and the beginning of junior high, most kids are working visits to their orthodontist around all their other regular school and sports activities. It just seems like everybodyโ€™s doing it, so your child might want to be part of the crowd. And in this case, peer pressure can be a good thing, making the process of getting and having braces easier for your child.

On the other hand
Some children become quite worried at the thought of having braces. They may be concerned about what theyโ€™ll look like; they may be worried about how braces will feel, especially wondering if they will be painful. For parents of children who are anxious about braces, it can be a bigger concern, especially if you didnโ€™t have braces yourself as a child.

All parents have questions. We have answers.
Whether your child canโ€™t wait to haveย bracesย or is trying to convince you they donโ€™t need them, we want our parents to have the information they need to make themselves, and their children, comfortable as they enter this new stage or oral care and development. Call us today for a consultation: (800) 717-KIDS.

โ€œWhy do I need braces, mom?!โ€
Every childโ€™s teeth are unique, but the most common reasons for braces include:
โ€ข Crooked teeth
โ€ข Overlapping teeth
โ€ข Overcrowded teeth
โ€ข An under-bite
โ€ข An over-bite
โ€ข Problems caused by tooth decay
โ€ข Problems caused by losing baby teeth too young
โ€ข Thumb sucking
โ€ข Accidents
โ€ข Family history of needing braces for various tooth and jaw problems

Noticing a need for braces doesnโ€™t mean your child needs them immediately
Your dentist may be the first one to notice problems that could indicate your child will eventually need braces. Starting these discussions early only means we can monitor the situation and decide when it will be best to start treatment.