Most of us have heard of wisdom teeth removal and know it’s something your kids will probably have to face one day.

But maybe you’re confused about what wisdom teeth are and why they’re so often a problem. The wisdom teeth are the third molars, and they’re the last teeth that grow in your mouth.

What Is the Best Age to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed?

The right age for wisdom teeth removal is usually between the late teens and early 20s. The exact wisdom teeth removal age depends on the individual. Wisdom tooth age may even be younger than 18.

At what age do you get wisdom teeth removed? That’s the most common question about these teeth. We want to take out wisdom teeth at the right time to avoid getting an “impacted” wisdom tooth. This is a painful condition that will have dental problems.

The right time for wisdom teeth removal is usually between the late teens (18 is a common age) and early 20s.

The exact wisdom teeth removal age depends on the individual. Wisdom tooth age may even be younger than 18. Wisdom teeth removal is often necessary when these teeth start poking through the gums, and your dentist can see the roots.

This is the time to take action. If the dentist finds that the wisdom teeth still aren’t far along enough for removal, just keep an eye on them. Your dentist will monitor the situation and tell you when the wisdom teeth have to be removed.

Related Preventative Efforts

Your dentist takes out your wisdom teeth not just because of the problems your wisdom teeth may cause themselves. It’s also because wisdom teeth removal may prevent other kinds of related problems. When your wisdom teeth aren’t removed, they may lead to problems such as sinus problems, jaw damage, cavities, swollen gums, and alignment disruption.

When Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?

Wisdom teeth removal is necessary because they may get compacted and cause dental problems.

If you let wisdom teeth go too far with development, you may end up with crowding. This and other problems may ruin your child’s smile and cause many other dental problems, including pain and swelling. 

As we touched on earlier, wisdom teeth removal is necessary because of the host of other problems your wisdom teeth can cause.

Dentists will often find that wisdom tooth removal is necessary before the teeth have fully grown in. As mentioned earlier, wisdom teeth usually grow during the late teenage years or early 20s.

Damage to Other Teeth

When you let your wisdom teeth fully develop and grow in, they may move your other teeth. This often leads to incorrect alignment and pain.

If wisdom teeth end up pushing against second molars, your second molars are going to end up significantly damaged. The general smile problems that wisdom teeth often create may also lead to damage to other teeth.

Jaw Damage

Wisdom teeth may also damage your jaw. This is because of the cysts that often develop in proximity to new teeth. When these cysts are left untreated, they may damage your nerves. They may also cause serious damage to your jaw.

Sinus Issues

Wisdom teeth and the problems they cause may cause you to end up with sinus issues, such as congestion, pain, and pressure.

Inflamed Gums

It tends to be difficult to properly clean the area around wisdom teeth. The gums tend to get swollen in that area. If the inflammation gets very severe, you may end up with pericoronitis. This is an inflammatory gum condition.


When your gums are swollen, you will probably end up with pockets. These are areas where bacteria can live and thrive, leading to cavities (otherwise known as caries) and tooth damage.


When your wisdom teeth come in, they throw off your smile alignment. Your teeth get shoved around and may end up crowded and damaged. You’ll remember we mentioned that wisdom teeth might ruin the alignment of your teeth, as well as the appearance and functionality of your smile.

The way wisdom teeth often lead to misalignment is why orthodontists recommend removing wisdom teeth as early as possible.

What Are the Risks of Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

As with any other kind of medical procedure, there is some risk to having your wisdom teeth removed. These are facts that your dentist will know and make you aware of. Some of the potential risks of wisdom teeth removal include:

  • Continuous bleeding that lasts 24 hours
  • Delayed healing of gums
  • Temporary numbness
  • Long-term numbness is a rare side effect
  • Damage to a nearby tooth or dental work
  • Trismus (difficulty or pain related to opening the jaw)
  • If upper jaw wisdom tooth removal, potential opening into the sinus cavity
  • Dry socket

What Are the Risks of Not Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

There are also many risks to not having your wisdom teeth removed. Let’s take a look at them below.

  • Wisdom teeth often grow in at incorrect angles
  • These molars may push around other teeth
  • Wisdom teeth may become impacted
  • They may damage surrounding teeth and smile
  • Wisdom teeth cause higher cavity risk
  • Letting these teeth grow in may lead to jaw damage
  • Wisdom teeth may cause inflamed and infected gums

Most People Get Wisdom Teeth Removal

Your dentist will probably find that your child should have their wisdom teeth removed one day. Make sure to find a family-friendly dentist who understands your child’s needs and gives you all the information and support you need.

Meanwhile, your pediatric dentist can give your child regular X-rays to keep track of tooth development and see if the wisdom teeth are starting to grow.

With X-rays, dentists can often see potential wisdom teeth impact before the teeth even grow in. This will save your child pain and distress. If wisdom teeth are going to cause a problem (which they usually do), it’s best to get them taken out as early as possible.