Why bother your kids to wear a space maintainer when their primary teeth will just fall out anyway? A dental space maintainer in West Los Angeles, CA for your kids can play a very significant role in your child’s permanent teeth development. Children’s Dental Fun Zone believes the importance of baby teeth as a guide for the development of permanent teeth.
What is the consequence if there is no dental space maintainer?
If a baby tooth falls out, you need a space maintainer to preserve or save the space for the permanent tooth which will erupt into the same space later on. Space maintainers are not permanent as they will be removed later on after the permanent teeth erupt. The consequence if your child doesn’t have a space maintainer is the tendency of the other teeth to drift and cause crowding and orthodontic problems.
What is the best type of space maintainer for kids?
Space maintainers are generally available in 2 types: fixed and removable. Children’s Dental Fun Zone offers and recommends a fixed space maintainer for kids. Kids at their young age may tend to lose removable space maintainers or they may find an excuse not to wear it at all and may defeat its main purpose of preserving the space for the permanent teeth.
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